This lovely Figure A Steiner bebe has a pressed bisque socket head, blue glass paperweight inset eyes, painted lashes, brush-stroked brows, shaded nostrils, closed mouth, pierced ears, auburn mohair wig over cork pate, composition fully-jointed Steiner body, She wears a beautiful antique white lace dress, undergarments, socks, and antique leather shoes. She is adorned with a gorgeous, burgundy silk hat by a Ukrainian designer, a vintage pin with red stones and red Czech glass earrings.
Marks: Steiner Paris Fre A 11 (head) Le Petit Parisien Bebe Steiner (body).
Excellent condition, original body with early retouch. Her bisque head is perfect with no damage or restoration. Jules Steiner, circa 1889.
Jules Steiner Fre A, 18 in.